Monday 21 July 2008

I'm Back!

Just got back from Greece-it was soooooo hot!
We went round all the old classical sights, saw this, slept there; had a siesta somewhere else and finally collapsed in my thouroughly missed bed at half past two, monday morning. And i've already been camping since!
What a crazy thing that was! We went out to get fish a chips for lunch, because we couldn't be bothered to cook anything; so that was all fine and dandy-it smelt lush and we got a huge bottle of coke to go with it. Until... we discovered that there was a nail stuck in the tire and it had melted all over the road-gooey! So... Uncle no. 1 was not at home or he just wasn't bothering to pick up the phone; Dad was out, aunty no. 1 was out so we had to ring Uncle no. 2 and he had to come and rescue us. But when he got to us, we discovered he had a bad back, so his wife had to put the spare tire on for us. We ate our lunch in the car and finally got home after what seemed like hours...

We got back to find that something had gone wrong with the tractor as well, so Dad had to go and get something for that, mum had to go and get a new tire with the two little sisters and I was left at home on my own to find all the camping gear...
We eventually left the house at about quater to seven, two hours after we had told the campsite we would arrive!
It was really dark by the time we had driven for hours through welsh countryside and found the campsite, so we thought we would stay in our friends tent. They had arrived way before us and their tent was put up properly, in exactly the right place, with all the pegs in, not a wrinkle in sight! The next morning we got out super huge tent out of the bag and got the first pole in place, when the farmer dude who owned the campsite, came tearing across the field on his quad-I say tearing, but he was really going slower than a squashed snail!
'You can't put your tent there! That pitch has been booked for tonight-you'll have to go down there!' Oh great-we had to walk the tent all the way to the bottom of this massive field and we were on the coast, so the wind was constantly blowing us backwards! We finally got the tent up, bedrooms sorted and we left for the beach, which was great. Mum, Dad Uncle no. 3 and Aunty no. 2 sat up on the balcony of a pub, looking down at us (the five kids) on the beach. Doodle and Jimmy went off, straight away to build a dam in the middle of this rivery thing; Champ went off to look at the caves or something-I was in charge coz I was the oldest, but he wouldn't listen to me would he? Oh no-he marched right off, leaving me to look after the three maniacs! I'm missing someone... oh yeah; small person, i.e. Woofus had been busy burrying my feet in the sand while I had been screaming after Champ!

Uncle no.3 decided to take me and Champ fishing further up the beach, leaving Dad to look after the remaining small people while Mum and Aunty no. 2 went for the papers. The first place we only stayed at for about ten minutes in which I managed to set my rod up after the other two had and we then discovered that I couldn't actually cast... oh no! After many demonstrations from Champ I finally got it and just as I was about to get stuck in Uncle no. 3 said that we had to move; oh great! So I stand the other side of the beach, my feet getting cut by the rock and stuff as I fish up about ten tonnes of sea weed; then Champ starts throwing muscles that he's got out the shell at me-ew! So I run off and lie back down next to Dad, who's now sleeping, plug my I Pod into my ears and close my eyes.
Five minutes later, i'm being poked by mum telling me it's time to go...

The next day, we stop of at some gold mines, where I found a fleck of real gold, whilst gold panning-woo hoo! My hands went numb, so I pull my stripy skull fingerless gloves back on and get some very unapproving looks from adults-what? I'm just an emo!
It's Dads birthday as well, so we stop off at a very posh resturant for dinner where the three small people make complete idiots of themselves, while i'm thinking; 'this isn't good; not here!'

Only today did I find out that we actually checked into a completely different campsite to the one we actually booked, so if it was your campsite we booked and didn't turn up to-sorry!

1 comment:

Dulwichmum said...
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